Hello and Welcome,
Last year in June while we were sitting in the beer garden of "The Stags Head" pub in Offchurch, Warwickshire, Corinne and I decided we wanted to buy a farm. We did not want to wait too long so we would try and do it soon and become self sufficient (as much as is feasible) and also attempt to make a living from "Boutique" farming. We had been inspired by the beautiful small farms and farm shops of the UK, the fantastic variety of fresh produce available and the challenges and changes that running a farm would bring to our lives. Since then we have been checking out properties on the internet and saving our pennies or pence as it may be. We actually set a timeframe for the beginning of 2010 which would put us in a good position financially to make a purchase. However, one afternoon, whilst bored at work I received an email from Corinne which started a real estate hyperdrive.
Corinne had found a 160 acre property 30 minutes from Toowoomba, good pasture, 4 bed house, fencing, bore, yards, old piggery, chook shed, more sheds etc. To top it off the property has undulating hills, no traffic sounds and is very private at end of a dirt road. The property photos and details fulfilled everything we wanted and had in mind for our future property and we suddenly became very excited.
We calculated how much cash we needed and what we needed to organise and got underway. After a lot of organising, some easy, some not, we found ourselves in a solicitors office in Toowoomba signing a contract on our dream property. The contract was signed by both parties on the 18th of February 2009 and will complete (hopefully) on the 18th of March 2009.
Tomorrow we will be back on the property for a the Building and Pest inspection, a bore water sample and a serious photography session. We are returning to the UK in 5 weeks time and will not be back for another year so we will need lots of photos for our memories and to shows our friends whilst we are away. Soon we will put up lots of photos of the property and then we will update again if all goes well with the settlement.

The Beginning