Here are some new friends that we met at the farm today. Rodger, Fred, Bob, Trevor and up the top you can just see Franks butt. We traveled out to the property which we now properly own (sort of, the bank owns 4/5 and we own 1/5) and checked all the sheds, etc. I checked out one of the float enclosures in a trough and found about 30 frogs shacking up together. We also went up the back paddocks and checked out a couple of the other dams and got some great views from the south-west paddocks. Whilst tracking down the dams I also came across a bunch of plump Quail rising in fron tof me and a lot of Hare sign, all very exciting for the future.
Looking south south west at Mt Davidson
A view of the House paddocks from the south west of the property, the highest area.
One of the somewhat minimal dams in the southwest of the property