Its 21:46. There are a lot of empty cans of Toohey’s New about. We have 6 days off now. We just had a great BBQ with Angela, the Irish Vet Locum we are living with. It’s only 26 degrees, that’s cool.
I have one last post before i am up to date with our pics and travels and we can start getting into the Alice pics.
The Devils Marbles are located about 100kms south of Tennant creek just off the Stuart Highway. The park or conservation area is a huge collection of massive granite boulders stacked in interesting configurations.
We left Tennant creek on our last days drive to Alice and stopped in at the Devil’s Marbles early on Saturday morning. We got there around 7-8am so it was relatively cool (30 degrees) and we had some good light on the rocks and surrounds.
The park is definitely worth checking out and there is a camp ground there that we may stay at on the way home, rather than the awful Tennant creek. The Davenport Ranges national park is nearby too which is rated as one of the best camping sites in the NT.
Panorama of the area. Click on it for a larger pic. The green, red and blue blend brilliantly.
The visitors centre.
There are huge granite boulders like this stacked on top of each other all over the park
I told Corinne not to stand on this boulder, look what she did. No respect these days from the young ones.
Ghost Gums. They are really common around the NT. They are beautiful trees, we want to get some back in QLD.
Lots of different species of grasses can be found here all with different texture and colours
Heading south to our final destination
Aileron, famous for its massive Aboriginal statues, and very little else, but expensive fuel.
Massive Statues, massive.

Fascinating. Corinne looks good in that split rock. Looks like some giant could come along and squish her by slamming the two sides together :)