Since arriving in Alice we have joined the local Library. I didn’t have much faith in libraries as compared to the internet but our local is actually really good.
It is full of good books (suprise) and quite new books too and also on subjects that we are both interested in. I have not been to a library since Uni days and that was always for assignments so it took the joy away a bit.
Over the last week i have read and enjoyed ‘Small Cattle for Small Farms’ by Margo Hayes. If you google it you can buy it from a number of sites. I had spotted this book before and was going to buy it when i came back to Australia. I also accidentally stumbled upon Margo’s website for her Lowline Cattle stud – Vitulus Lowlines. The book is a fantastic handbook on cattle breeding, keeping, handling, yards, feed, marketing etc. Everything you would want to know and think about before getting into cattle. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who is interested in getting into cattle or small breed cattle.
While were at Uluru on the weekend, we found a book that we have been wanting to buy. ‘A Field Guide to Australian Trees’ 3rd ed, by Ivan Holliday. We wanted a book on Australian trees just so we knew what they were but also because when we see one we like then we can think about planting it on the farm. We have a lot of spots where we want to plant many more trees, shrubs, etc and so it is good to know what they are, where they come from, fruit, flowers etc. The book covers more than 400 species and has great photos, pictures and descriptions.
Lastly i have just started reading ‘Farming Meat Goats’ by Barbara Vincent. This is a similar book as the small cattle book in that is has concise and very detailed information on everything to do with meat goats in Australia. This is not a story about having a few goats and how cute they are. This is a book for primary producers who want to get in to or are investigating the Meat goat industry in Australia. From what i have read so far, it is excellent.
We bought the tree book but i have borrowed the goat and cattle book form the library. I will probably end up buying both of them as they are really good reference books.

I like the field guide to Trees. Lal should have a look at the small cattle book. She always thought she would like some miniature cows at her place:)