Over the Easter weekend we had 5 days off. We had from Friday to Tuesday off for Easter and Anzac day. We thought we had better take advantage of this so we took ourselves and our newly adopted Child, Kaz-aaa to the canyon.
Kings Canyon is South and West of Alice Springs. There are a number of ways you can get there. There is the Mereenie loop off Larapinta drive, there is the Ernest Giles rd off the Stuart Highway and there is the Luritja Rd off the Lasseter Highway. The first two roads are rough dirt roads and are shorter than the Luritja rd whioch is bitumen but a lot longer and travels quite near to Uluru.
We took the Mereenie loop road to Kings Canyon. You need to buy a $3.50 permit for this road which helps to pay for stuff, I don’t know what but it does. We set off on a lovely warm saturday morning after we have bought our timtam slushies from Gloria Jeans coffee.
The Mereenie loop was supposed to be one of the best drives in the NT. The drive is good, very rough, a lot of corrugations but it is not amazing. There are some nice cliffs and bluffs to the left and the area is very much central Australia. It was really like a vibrating massage from giant dinosaur in Disneyland.
We stopped off at Hermansburg for a toilet and a drink. Kaz hit the toilets and made us all proud and we checked out the local supermarket. There was a small (maybe 1kg) puppy in the store under an isle chomping on a dead mouse, for sure full of rat bait. The Jack Russell type puppy was cute in a skanky way and will certainly be dead soon from rat bait or malnutrition.
We made it to the Kings Canyon Resort in the early arvo and set up camp, right next to the Shell petrol station. It was not the best site, which were all taken but it was shady at the time.
A quick photo and vibration stop on the Mereenie loop. The road had been recently graded in some areas, while in other it had not. At one bump the very heavy 50kg esky levitated for a second or two, as did Kaz and Corinne. The suspension on the overloaded car held up well.
Kaz-aa. Wrapped up in her exotic snuggy, similar to the one her dad owns?? We made ourselves comfortable next to the other campers who spent a lot of time in their cars. We managed to move the next day to better surrounds.
Corinne, sucking down some more suds, protecting the esky from marauding corgie cross dingoes.
‘C’ is for Corinne. It can also designate which toilet block you are at.
A view of the Mereenie loop.

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