There is a lot of wildlife in the desert. You wouldn’t expect it but a lot of Australia native birds, mammals, reptiles insects etc are all well suited to the hot, harsh conditions in the outback.
On our drive out here that i mentioned in a previous post we saw tonnes of different animals and birds and we certainly collected a lot of insects (and 2 birds) in our radiator.
In Alice we are living right near the Todd (dry) river which is lined with river red gums, ghost gums and a lot of acacias as well as weeds and grass. We walk in the morning sometimes and see Galahs, Budgies, Port Lincoln Ringnecks, Diamond Doves, Yellow Throated miners, Grey Crowned Babblers, Crested Pigeons, Australian Magpie Larks, Magpies, Butcher Birds, White Plumed Honeyeaters and Crows.
We also see a lot of Euros (Common Kangaroo out here) and also black footed rock wallabies. We walk from our house out to the old Telegraph station and sometimes we see 20-30 macropods.
There are also lots of little lizards, goannas and probably snakes scuttling about in the grass.
So as you can see there is a lot of wildlife about, more than Brisbane even so these guys are all doing well, even with the dry and the heat.
Port Lincoln Ringneck, they really love this weed and spend most of their time at the moment eating the seeds of it.
Catching some rays in the morning
Manicuring the feet, you must keep your feet looking good.
This a is a big old boy, Euro I think. Look at his battle scarred ears. We have seen him a few times in the same area.
Black Footed Rock Wallabies. These guys live in rocky areas and tend to jump between the rocks and hide amongst them during the day. There are a lot of rocky outcrops around so it is prefect for them. We have seen these guys in the same area a n umber of times too.
Can you see the two wallabies here, they are quite well camouflaged. We have seen a couple with a joey in its pouch and also a really newly emerged joey, shooting about amongst the rocks. These guys are about a quarter the size of the Euros.

Great photos.