Last week we drove out to Ellery Creek Big hole which is a permanent waterhole in a gap in the West Macdonald ranges.
The waterhole is about 80kms west of Alice. We drove out on a beautiful warm, sunny blue sky, autumn day and reached the waterhole just in time to see about 200 school kids leaving. The kids and teachers were all strangely friendly and all said hello to us. Either that or we had signs on our heads or something.
The waterhole is great. It is situated in another gap in the range and is quite deep and full of fish. There is a nice sandy beach and a few private spots where you can relax.
You can swim right through the gap to the other side if you want.
We found ourselves a nice spot and had some lunch. Then it came time for me to convince Corinne that the small freshwater fish in the waterhole were not interested in eating her or biting her. There are no crocs down this way either so we would be safe to swim, just like the 200 kids before us.
Corinne eventually gave in but found the swim a little cold and stressful, her irrational fear of fish lives on.
We had a great day and will definitely go back.
Our little private beach from which Corinne entered the fish infested waters, and survived.
The view through the gap, from the beach. The water was full of noisy Brits.
There were tonnes of fish in the water, some stripey ones and some bigger ones down deep.
The fish coming to the surface, ready to nibble on human flesh
A nice spot for a picnic
Corinne looking gorgeous

Lovely pics. Corinne does look gorgeous. I think the fear of fish comes from swimming with giant eels at Lamington NP. We were all contenders for the Olympics back then!!