A few weeks ago Corinne and I flew back to Qld for a week of fun and Beach at Stradbroke island, off the Qld coast. We were spending the week there with our good friends, Anthony and Olivia and Shannon and Myles. We were all going to a wedding at the end of the week on the Island – Liv and Magnus.
We rented a great 3 bedroom house right near the beach with verandas and decks and lots of space to express ourselves through alcohol.
So, what do you think we did all week. Have a look at the pics below. I went through my photos and suddenly realised that the new smart phones (i-phones vs Android phones) really amused us, a lot. Though there are no pics of Anthony on his phone, rest assured he spent a lot of time with his phone. Liv is probably over represented in the pics too, oh well.
I too spent lot of time on my phone, a Brilliant Android, Motorola Defy. However since i took these photos, there are no pics of me, just in case anyone complains.
Myles, thrilled with his over priced, hyped up, easily smashed I-phone 4. They do have some good qualities i am told. Shannon – Pissed, or just bad pic.
Corinne looking very sexy, Android Defy in her hand, an amazingly good phone running the most popular mobile operating system in the world.
Liv, using Downy’s armoured I-phone, very happy with herself.
Myles, holding up his I-phone, probably trying to get it to work, either that or taking a photo.
Myles, with Liv in the background, concentrating on her I-phone
OMG, liv again, staring at the I-phone.
Myles, concerned for Liv’s mental health after spending 3 days straight staring at the I-phone
Liv, happy or maybe crazy, way too much I-phone time
Myles, looking at the I-phone, hoping someone will ring him, or maybe buying a useless app, that scans barcodes and then doesn’t tell you how much they are and where you can’t buy them.
Liv, once more.

OK, we get it, you used your lousy i-Phones/really cool Androids a lot. What about the beach?? The wedding?? The embarassing shots of people passed out over the toilet bowl???
ReplyDeleteModern technology has a lot to answer for.