On our second night out at PV we got to the communal firepit early in the arvo and set up our wood for a big afternoon fire, a few drinks and some nibbles.
We made sure we were on the right side of the fire so we wouldn’t get smoked and had a great time, keeping warm and imbibing refreshments.
The girls got a little pissy and tried a few more planks around the place. We had a great sunset and a very cool night. We even cooked our pasta over the open fire in the billy. The girls had some marshmallows and some little kids came over with their parents and had some too.
Corinne demonstrating why planking is hard and dangerous, if you are in the wrong spot.
Better than a veranda or a highrise.
The girls heating up their feet at the firepit.
Corinne with a billy full of cold beer
The moon, early riser
Our fire, nice smelling Eucalypt smoke.
The sun setting over the trees and campsite
The moon rising over the red hills, those hills in the background are where the Mpaara walk is from the first blog.
Kaz and Corinne, hammering out another amazing plank on an unsuspecting rock

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