This is our first blog post we have done in 3 months or so. We moved back to Queensland from Alice Springs back in June. We had an uneventful 3000km drive back from Alice. The scenery was great, drier this time, lots of Brolgas and country pubs.
We have since done soo much and been so busy and had so little time and such poor internet that we have not done any blogging.
We are a bit more settled now and have a little bit more time and so we have started to edit photos again and write blogs.
We spent the first 5 weeks back in Queensland at our farm, Puzzling Gully, renovating the house and cleaning up around the house. The house is about 100 years old and needs a lot of TLC. There is a lot to write about the house and the garden etc but firstly we have to mention the latest addition to our small family.
MO. Mo is our 4 month old Black Labrador puppy. We got him when he was 6 weeks old from up in Toowoomba. He came from a nice looking place out at Highfields. He was a friendly, little, relaxed fellow right from the start and has since blossomed into a real little character. We have been very firm with him and he is quite well behaved and learning every day to be a super well behaved little man.
He loves his food, walks and swims in the dam and he also likes sampling any type of poo he can find, and there is a lot on a farm.
He is a great little guy and we look forward to him growing up and having a great time with us on the farm.
Mo, When we first got him at 6 weeks he was a little fat round 3.6kg ball. Now he is a lean 16 kg poo eating machine.
Mo’s first bath in a bucket, so unimpresed
Mo, surveying his territory
Mo’s second bath, in the laundry tub, he now bathes in the dam.
Cute and perhaps a little scared
Mo is already really good at fetching stuff, as per his breed. He is a happy little guy and completely useless as a guard dog as he loves everyone he meets, strangers or not.

1 2 3 awwwww.... He looks gorgeous and will undoubtably be much better behaved than Arseface. Can we still bring Arseface to the farm to race around and teach Mo bad habits? Except pop eating of course, seems they've taken to that like naturals without help if encouragement! Well done on the blog!